Player Profile

Modern Warfare 3

#144 of 632
Overall Ranking
Total Kills
Total Deaths
Kills Per Death
Perfomance Rating
Score Per Minute
Last Map Played
INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Last Server Played
6 days
Of Play Time
50 weeks
Since First Connection
44 seconds
Since Last Seen
Connected to INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Disconnected from INF Classic Bounce 24/7
proof of cheating
ur file is looking good tho
y u got banned
manen y u on an alt tho?
Connected to INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Disconnected from INF Classic Bounce 24/7
ur on an alt
max prestige in 2 months
ik ur 15-16 too no life
5 minutes ago

ur cheating bro
u got it farming
max prestige dont mean shit
kry go for manen
Connected to INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Disconnected from INF Classic Bounce 24/7
aim assit
u got walls
10 minutes ago

room 32, z1 took them ages to be where they at
no way u get this good in that long
ur first connection was 2 months ago cuh
whyd u get banned the first time?
blud on an alt i just found that out
press 6 on moab
manen y u on an alt
16 minutes ago

Connected to INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Disconnected from INF Classic Bounce 24/7
21 minutes ago

Connected to INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Disconnected from INF Classic Bounce 24/7